Augustine Consulting, Inc.
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Project Control Analyst
United States
| Full-time
| Fully remote
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Application Form
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First Name *
Last Name *
Email *
Phone *
Street Address *
City, State, ZIP Code *
Please indicate your intentions with regard to this position's specific work location. *
I already live within a commutable distance to the work location.
I am only interested in remote work.
I would like to work remote and travel as required.
Resume *
What is the highest level of education you have completed to date? *
Some high school.
High school diploma or GED.
Some college.
Two-year college or Associates degree.
Bachelor’s degree.
Master’s degree.
Describe your experience working as an Program Control Analyst (PCA). *
I have more than 5 years’ experience.
I have between 3 and 5 years' experience.
I have less than 3 years' experience.
What is your annual salary requirement? *
If hired, when would you be available to start? *
Rate your experience as a Program Control Analyst. *
Highly Proficient
Describe your PCA experience working in support of Government contracting. *
I have more than 2 years’ experience.
I have between 1 and 2 years' experience.
I have less than one year of experience.
Describe your experience working as part of a geographically dispersed team.
I have more than 5 years’ experience.
I have between 2 and 5 years' experience.
I have less than 2 years’ experience.
Describe your experience working as part of a corporate staff. *
I have more than 5 years’ experience.
I have between 2 and 5 years' experience.
I have less than 2 years’ experience.
How many projects have you managed simultaneously? *
I have managed more than 10 projects simultaneously or projects with monthly costs in excess of $5M.
I have managed between 5 and 10 projects simultaneously or projects with monthly costs in excess of $2M.
I have managed less than 5 contracts simultaneously or projects with monthly costs less than $1M.
I have never managed projects.
Describe your experience using the UNANET suite of products as the financial management system. *
I have more than 2 years of experience using Unanet
I have less than 2 years experience using UNANET.
I have heard of UNANET.
I have never used UNANET, but have more than 2 years experience using DELTEK.
I have not used any software other than QuickBooks as a financial management system.
Describe your experience and proficiency with the Microsoft suite of products. *
I consider myself an expert with the Microsoft suite of products(Excel, Word, Power Point, Teams, Outlook).
I am proficient with the Microsoft suite of products (Excel, Word, Power Point, Teams, Outlook).
I am comfortable with the Microsoft suite of products (Excel, Word, Power Point, Teams, Outlook).
I have little experience using most Microsoft products.
The following two questions provide you the opportunity to reveal the alignment of your experience and expertise with the specific requirements of the position. Your answers are limited to 500 characters (a paragraph). Copying and pasting information from your resume, or referring to entries in your resume, is not viewed as a sufficient answer. *
I understand the instructions.
I do not wish to complete the application.
Describe how you would set up and maintain a project financial plan to enable the project manager, yourself, and the finance team to all have a common understanding of the project financial status. *
Describe your approach to reconciling differences between a project forecast and actuals on a routine basis. *
Are you currently employed? *
What inspires you the most about applying for a job with this company? *
The company's image and reputation.
The career opportunity
I need a job.
The salary.
The opportunity for advancement.
The opportunity for a flexible work schedule.
The opportunity to gain valuable work experience.
If hired, how long do you plan to work here? *
Less than 6 months.
Between 6 and 12 months.
Between 1 and 2 years .
Between 2 and 3 years.
Between 3 and 5 years.
More than 5 years.
Of the following types of work settings, in which ONE do you prefer to work? *
One that is unstructured and offers me an opportunity to display my creativity and initiative.
One with clear written procedures and guidelines to follow in performing my job.
Where work is done in very much the same way by a number of other workers.
I prefer a structured setting that allows me some latitude in how I perform my job.
An environment that provides close supervision of my work.
An environment that allows me to be in charge.
Which ONE of the following is MOST important to you about a job? *
To not have to make many decisions.
To be able to plan and do my work with little or no direct supervision.
To have a supportive supervisor.
To be part of a team that works closely together.
To have job security.
When you need to convey ideas to different types of people, what do you usually do? *
Question them after I finish finding out if they understood what I was trying to tell them.
Assume they know as much about the subject as I do.
Make sure they are impressed with my level of intelligence and education.
Question them to find out how much they know about the subject.
Try to tailor my presentation to their apparent level of comprehension.
When you have a job in which the workload varies from day to day, how do you respond? *
I work at a constant pace even if it means getting behind for a while.
I get bored on the days that are not very busy.
I get stressed on the busy days.
I enjoy having some days with less to do even though I have some very busy days.
I do my best to even out the workload by carrying over some of the work from the busy days.
How would you characterize your ethical standards? *
Much higher than the ethical standards of the average worker.
Higher than the ethical standards of the average worker.
About the same as the ethical standards of the average worker.
Lower than the ethical standards of the average worker.
Much lower than the ethical standards of the average worker.
I don't know how mine compare to the ethical standards of the average worker.
When you encounter a problem with a project for which you are responsible, what do you usually do? *
Figure out some way of solving it, even though I hadn't expected to have the problem.
Take it immediately to my supervisor for a solution.
Try to ignore the problem and proceed with my work as originally planned.
I have already anticipated that I might encounter the problem so I have a plan to overcome it.
Talk to my co-workers to see if they know what I should do.
I have never had a problem on a project where I had responsibility for the project.
I have never been responsible for a project.
In what type of work environment are you most productive? *
How important is it for you to work in an environment that encourages creativity, individualism, independence, and innovation? *
Not important.
Somewhat important.
Very important.
Extremely important.
Would you be willing to perform work that is not in your job description? *
It depends on the task.
Have you ever been dismissed or asked to resign from a previous job? *
Yes, for performance/productivity reasons.
Yes, for extensive absenteeism.
Yes, for conflict with a supervisor.
Yes, for conflict with a co-worker.
Yes, for theft.
Yes, the company down-sized.
I typically get along with everyone I work with. *
All of the time.
Most of the time. I always try.
Occasionally. It depends on the people.
Not often. I try to stay independent.
A legitimate reason for missing a shift would be. *
Need a break from the environment.
Worked overtime the previous day.
Needing a mental health day.
Others I rely on/transportation let me down.
There are few exceptions that are acceptable for missing a scheduled work shift.
Thanks for your time
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